Welcome to Afrinotes

Afrinotes publishes articles, book reviews, critical essays, lecture notes and summaries and analyses of African literary works.

Our aim is to make reference materials on African literary works and other educational materials available to both students and researchers who are curious to know more about the African world.

All the reference materials on this web site are contributed by teachers and lecturers from various schools, universities and tertiary institutions in Nigeria and other parts of Africa. Every piece of information published on this site is original and dully verified to ascertain its validity.

All materials on this site are free to read, print or printed by subscribed members of the site. Please if you’ll like to use any of our materials for academic work, read our terms and conditions before you do that. This site is updated daily, so be sure to subscribe to our newsletter for fresh content.

Why Us?

Arguably, African Literature has struggled to grow over the past decades to the extent that there is hardly any popular university in the world that does not offer a course on African Literature.  African Literature is now as well recognized as European Literature, American Literature and Caribbean Literature.

Regrettably, one cannot find many reference materials on African Literature compared to other world literatures mentioned earlier. A careful search on the Internet will prove that there are very few or no summaries and analyses on African novels, plays and poems. A few ones that are available, if any, are often offered to be purchased or subscribed at an exorbitant price. This has, in our opinion, frustrated researchers on African Literature, killed interest in research on African Literature and hindered the growth of African Literature.

The aim of Afrinotes is to develop and maintain an Internet portal which will publish summaries, analyses and commentaries on African novels, plays and poems. Our vision is to provide summaries and analyses on all published African novels, plays and poems which can always be accessed on the Internet.

It is rather unfortunate to see many students and researchers surf the Internet on daily for synopsis and commentaries on African literary works but to no avail. Even when they find any scrap on this subject, they are asked to pay exorbitant fee in order to read, copy or download the material.

Afrinotes was set up to provide summaries and analysis on African literary works and offer them on the Internet to only subscribed members of the site. If you are looking for well-researched reference materials on African literature, you are in the right place!

What’s in here for me?

Afrinotes is an online community where you can join, learn and earn.

Apart from reading the reference materials for your research and getting answers to your questions, you can also make money in two ways:  by writing for us or referring other people to the site.

As a writer,  you’ll receive $5 for writing summary of a poem and $15 for writing summary of a play text or novel.

As an affiliate, you’ll receive 50% of membership fee for each member you refer to join Afrinotes. For every member you refer to Afrinotes, you’ll receive $1 for daily member,  $2.5 for weekly member, $5 for monthly member and $25 for yearly member.

Whether you are a researcher, an author or an affiliate, you can make $2 for every question you answer and it’s approved by the person that asked the question.